The Usage Of Tpr (Total Physical Response) Within English Vocabulary Teaching For Non Formal Learners

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The purpose of this research is to discover the effectivity of the usage of TPR(Total Pysical Response)  learning model in teaching English course. The subjects of this research were all the learners of learning group in Sukamulya village, Sukamakmur, Bogor. In this research, the researcher used pre-experimental design which is one group pretest-posttest design. The researcher had taken pretest and posttest to measure the learners’ ability. Pretest was taken before the treatment while posttest was done after the treatment. In this way, it could show the accuracy of the method. Based on the research, it could be concluded that the result of study using TPR was significantly higher than using the conventional was. This result could be seen from the lowest and highest score achieved in conventional way were 0 and 9 while the result from TPR showed that the lowest and highest score were 2 and 13. It was supported the calculation using SPSS 16 that showed in the column of Asym.Sig.(2-tailed)/asymptotic significance for two sides pointing 0,000 or probability below 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05), in this case Howas rejected or it could been said if the result of  the learning group using conventional way was siginificantly different from the result using TPR.

Key words: TPR method of learning, English Teaching, Illiterate.

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