Managing The Importance Of Learning Styles In Improving Students Achievement In Education

Julinda Siregar, Erni Murniarti


Abstract—Style of learning is the key to developing the performance and achievement in work at school/college, and in interpersonal situations, how individuals and others absorb and process information, will help people to more easily learn and communicate with their style. Each individual has their learning style and the optimal way to learn new information, for it was as a teacher, the lecturer should teach various ways of learning to the learners and students to facilitate learners to absorb the information presented by the lecturer.
Many variables affect a person's learning style, this involves physical, emotional, sociological, and environmental. The lecturers as educators can develop a method/way or style of teaching according to the learning styles of the students. By understanding the learning styles of the students are expected to improve the learning achievement of the students
Keywords— Managing the Learning Styles, Learning Achievement

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