Effect of Dental Health Education Using Dental Model Compared with Video in Effort of Achievement Level Cleanliness of Student's Tooth

Pudentiana R.R.R. Enggarwati, Siti Nurbayani Tauchid, Nita Noviani


Abstract—Dental and oral health was an integral part of overall health. The age of primary school children was the time when a child was trained in the ability to maintain and maintain oral hygiene through proper brushing. Primary school-age children from 6 until 12 years old were vulnerable age groups who need to get attention because in that period there are deciduous teeth and permanent teeth simultaneously in the mouth. One way to improve the child's behavior in maintaining oral health was to provide dental health education on how to brush teeth properly by using tools appropriate. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the difference between toothbrushing using jaw models with video playback compared to the level of oral hygiene in elementary school students. This type of research was quasi-experimental with the study design Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The sample size in the study was 32 people for each group. Total sample totaling 64 students. The results showed the influence of education toothbrushing using a model of the jaw and video playback to the improvement of oral hygiene evidenced by the reduction in plaque scores were significantly (p = 0.000).
Keywords—education brushing teeth, jaw models, video, elementary students


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