The Contribution of Indonesia Courses in the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Yenni Fitria, Imma Rachayu


Abstract— This study aims to determine the form of contribution of Indonesian language courses for students in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. This research method is qualitative with descriptive analysis techniques. A unique characteristic of the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 is the application of artificial intelligence with the use of robots as a substitute for human power. Higher education is an educational institution that gives birth to quality human resources. Therefore, a more innovative learning system needs to be prepared. Indonesian language courses are compulsory subjects that are included in personality development courses. Four language skills are used in learning as a vehicle to prepare student skills that can be applied in various fields of life. Indonesian courses have a major contribution in perfecting old literacy into new literacy, namely digital literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy. This is to produce competitive graduates, in order to answer Industry 4.0 challenges.
Keywords—Indonesian, courses, Industrial Revolution 4.0


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