Sengkalan Memet: A Chronogram Visualized By Javanese Through Many Stages of Symbolizations

Ariefika Listya, Dendi Pratama


This study aimed to determine the process of symbolization of sengkalan memet made by Javanese as a visualized chronogram. It also became a work of art because of its presence as an artistic object. Sengkalan memet as a chronogram is not easy to read even its presence is not necessarily known to everyone but only certain people because it is quite complicated. The complexity is caused by its presence which is often only in the form of pictures without any texts (or sentences) whereas as a chronogram, the function is to “time writing”. The research method is a descriptive qualitative with aesthetic, cultural and historical approaches. data obtained by literature studies. The results showed that sengkalan memet created by Javanese through many stages of symbolizing. This proves that Javanese society in their lives is always full of symbolize expressions that are also manifested in their material culture. That is why Javanese visualize their chronogram with no text while the others doesn’t. This can enrich the discussion of Nusantara’s aesthetics regarding creative process of making an art piece, especially Java.

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