Model Tuberkulosis Laten dengan Penambahan Obat Herbal dalam Pengendalian Tuberkulosis di Bogor

Embay Rohaeti, Ani Andriyati


One way to suppress the rate of spread of tuberculosis disease is by analyzing latent tuberculosis patients to avoid turning into active tuberculosis suffer that broken chain of tuberculosis disease transmission. The phenomenon can be modeled mathematically, then the model is used to predict the rate of spread of tuberculosis disease in the future. The research was initiated by forming model compartment, forming model, determining a fixed point of the model, determining the number of basic reproduction, analyzing fixed-point stability, predicting the rate of tuberculosis spread in the future In Bogor. The result is model for the spread of tuberculosis disease with addition of herbal medicines variable to patients with latent tuberculosis, the rate of spread of tuberculosis disease for the latent tuberculosis’s group declines on the 7th year followed by increasing the cured tuberculosis’s group, but could not decreasing infected tuberculosis’s group down to zero because mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria is dormant

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