Analisis Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Matematika

Nasha Nauvalika Permana


the purpose of this research is to know students mistake in solving the math HOTS problem. The type of research used is a naturalistic/qualitative research method while the design of the research used is descriptive research design. The subject is 5 students of VIII grade SMP Islam Terpadu Hayatan Thayyibah Sukabumi 2018/2019. Based on analysis of data obtained conclusion that (1) the biggest mistakes is the type of misconception with a percentage of 75%. (2) the next mistakes a student cannot answer the questions with a percentage of 40%. (3) the next mistakes are a technical error with a percentage of 20% (4) the smallest mistakes are language interpretation error with a percentage of 0%.  The Mistakes of student do include (1)student do not include mathematical units (2) students are wrong he concept so incorrectly use the formula an error in the calculation (3) the are students do not answer the question.

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