Fauzi Syamsuar


Oral aspect of language lies in all areas of linguistics, including pre-linguistics (comprising phonetics) and micro-linguistics (comprising phonology, morphology, syntax, and minor discussions of semantics). Written aspect of language lies in micro-linguistics (excluding phonology) and meta-linguistics (comprising semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and other branches of linguistics.). Pre-linguistics and meta-linguistics belong to an area so-called macro-linguistics. Applied linguistics is an area in which the primary concern is the application of linguistic theories, methods, and findings to the elucidation of language problems. This article discusses the significance of micro-linguistic principles in applied linguistics. The discussions are grouped into (1) phonological, (2) morpho-phonemic, and (3) syntactic principles. Examples given in the discussions involve relevant linguistic phenomena found in Indonesian and English, i.e. the major foreign language in Indonesia. The results of the discussions show the significance of the principles and propose some suggestions for overcoming problems might occur in applied linguistics. The applied linguistic areas cover language teaching (teaching Indonesian as the educational language in Indonesia, teaching Indonesian as a foreign language [especially for English-language speakers], and teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia), lexicography, language planning and policy, translation, and landscape linguistics.

key words: appllied linguistics; micro-linguistics; micro-linguistic principles

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