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This study focuses on metaphor translation by novice translators for a specific phrase,
'elephant in the room'. This study also intends to close a gap by examining how novice
translators translate this particular phrase and whether they can distinguish between literal and metaphorical meanings. This research employs Kövecses' concepts on metaphor translation. The data was collected from the questionnaire that was filled out by the participants. There are five sentences with literal and metaphorical meanings containing the phrase ‘elephant in the room’ are translated by the participants. Besides that, there are some questions related to the strategies the participants applied while translating. The results show that the phrase ‘elephant in the room’ with metaphorical meanings is challenging to translate. The participants also applied the concepts given by Kövecses. The conclusions of this study are the 'elephant in the room' reveals important insights into the complexity of metaphorical translation. It emphasizes the interaction of language, culture, and cognition in communicating implicit meanings across linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Keywords: elephant in the room; metaphor; translation

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