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Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a Cyber Physical System-based revolution that outlines a combination of three domains: digital, physical, and biological. Characterized by the emergence of functions of artificial intelligence, big data, the development of biotechnology and genetic editing. Higher Education is required to play a role in responding to the challenge of this era by improving the performance of three fundamental functions were education, research and community service. Besides, to solve community problems that are not automatically completed with technological advanced. This paper aims to discuss how to strengthen collaborative research between universities with other stakeholders in the era of RI 4.0. With the development of Industry 4.0 globally, research with applied and empirical methods is predicted to grow. High education is expected to improve the research downstream as well as make breakthrough innovation and strengthening innovation system. To lead to a triple helix collaboration between the government, university and industry should be strengthened. By extending the government's role in defining clear and appropriate vision and research maps of the community and state, adequate research / research budget, preparing competent human resources and providing supporting facilities.

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