Rochmayani Rochmayani, leonard leonard


This writing aims to help teachers to improve student motivation and activeness in class. How to improve students' motivation in classroom learning is to choose the right learning model with the ongoing learning materials. Linking learning materials in school with the daily life of students will help students more easily understand the lesson. one of the learning models that relate the lesson to daily life is the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model. To make the students better remember the subject matter required the task to be done, if not doing the task then must accept the consequences that have been agreed together when making the contract work. Thus it is done to modify the learning model Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) with the strategy of task and force. The goal is to make the learning model of CTL become better so that students are more motivated, more fully understand the material of school and discipline in studying class. Therefore, this merging method is very necessary in the learning process and can be applied to improve the quality of learning in schools.

Keyword:Contextual Teaching and Learning,Task and Force Learning Strategies

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