This study aims to determine the policy strategy for coastal communities to use communal latrine as a place to defecate, so that sanitation programs can be sustainable. The research method used descriptive qualitative and quantitative with analytical hierarchy process. Data collection was done with focus group discussion to selected respondents. The results showed that there were five (5) aspects that influenced the increasing use of communal latrine, i.e environmental technical aspects, institutional, financing, government and community participation. The resulting policy strategy shows that the first policy with CR value of 329.2 is improving the use of sanitary privy by conducting a strategy; make the toilet design more attractive, there is no music toilet facilities and free of charge when using. The second policy with CR value of 270.8 is to improve the promotion of environmental health by conducting a strategy; socialization on health, provision of environmental awareness and sanction for BABS community.
Keyword: Analytical Hierarcy Proses, Communal Latrine, Coastal Communities,
Policy Strategi
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