Harsoyo Dwijo Wiyono


Self-employment in Indonesia badly needed to improve the economy of the country. With the entrepreneurial beside can increase the Gross Domistik Product, it can also expand employment thereby reducing poverty. Being a successful entrepreneur is not easy, it takes the terms that could support the activities of its business. Condition that among other things is to have good ethics and norms, such as honesty, responsibility, obey the law and so on. Then have a good behavior based on ethics and norms of behavior such as the above, honest, diligent, urbane, suave and so on. An entrepreneur should also have the ability or skill in the areas of its business, such as getting to know the management, financial management, marketing management, operations management and so on. And no less important for a successful entrepreneur must also adhere to business ethics.

Keywords: ethics and norms, behaviours, capabilities and business ethics.

Teks Lengkap:



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