E-learning in Indonesia: Societal, University Managers' and University students' Perspective

Reikman Aritonang, Gerald Ariff


The phenomenon of rapid e-learning development in Higher Education Institutions has been observed all over the world. Previous researches have revealed the benefits, challenges and implications of e-learning within the University. Yet less evidence was found to study the implication with more comprehensive stakeholders. This research attempts to fill the gap by exploring e-learning implications in wider stakeholders including the general society as well as potential university students who need to continue their further education, University managers who build and manage e-learning degree programmes and students enrolled in e-learning degree programs. Research data was gathered using relevant survey techniques to collect information regarding e-learning implication for each sample group. The findings reflect the implications of e-learning in providing the educational needs of the 3 respondent groups and potentially improve the nation’s higher education quality and accessibility. The e-learning environment was found to have adequately facilitated quality learning comparable to conventional face-to-face on campus method. Those implications become an opportunity for Higher Education Institutions, yet universities continue to face challenges that prevent them from gaining optimal benefits of implementing e-learning environments. 


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