Model Pembelajaran Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) Dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Tugas Dan Paksa

Serlina Serlina, Leonard Leonard


This writing aims to motivate students to be more active in the learning process and also can improve the quality of learning. In order to improve the quality of learning then combined the Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) learning model with the strategy of learning task and force. Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) learning model is a learning model that has effective learning strategy by giving treatment to each individual according to their ability in order to improve student learning outcomes. While the strategy of learning tasks and forced is based on a coercion. The student must do whatever task the teacher gives him by force must be collected at the designated time. This learning strategy avoids students from feeling lazy, because seen so far students only want to do the problem if forced. The existence of this strategy is also to overcome the deficiencies in the model of learning Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI). Researchers try to combine these methods in order to see a significant effect on students' understanding of the problem. The result of the discussion shows that the incorporation of Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) learning model with this task force and force learning strategy gives a big influence to the improvement of students 'understanding in completing the task, making the students' learning outcomes better. Merging this method also allows students to develop their own creativity. The advantages of combining this method is to make students become more disciplined and more active in learning, students become accustomed to face the task given by the teacher. Therefore, this merging method is very necessary in the learning process and can be applied to improve the quality of learning in schools.

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