Pengaruh Perhatian Orangtua Dan Minat Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa

Handoko Handoko, Ronal Janti E.Siregar, Lusiana Wulansari


Abstract. The role of parents in shaping the character of the child is very high, therefore as a parent does not give attention and affection towards the child meskipuun his child has grown up. The role of parents is so important in taking care of the child, giving love and attention in daily life. The potential of children can be improved so that the future will be better because they know the talents they have. The study was conducted to see the influence of parents' attention and interest in learning on student achievement. The research was conducted at SMK Bunda Kandung jakarta with samples of all X class students majoring in MIA. The method used in the study is the path analysis with regression statistics.


Keywords: Parental Attention, Interest Learning, Learning Achievement

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