Middle Schools’ English Language Curriculum Implementation: A Comparative Analysis Among the ASEAN Countries

Erna Puji Astuti


To ensure the success of the Asean Economic Community, ASEAN countries must adopt English as the common language of business and social life. In fact, many ASEAN countries have adopted English as a second language. As a collection of plans and instructions on objectives, content and learning materials, and methods used as guidelines for conducting learning activities, curriculum is established to achieve a nation`s educational goals. This study examines the comparison of curricula for the introduction of English in ASEAN countries. The research method was a systematic review. The survey revealed that the four ASEAN countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines, have different implementations of the English curriculum. Comparisons include English learning objectives, materials and content, strategies, and assessments.


Curriculum; Policy; Middle School; EFL; ASEAN; Comparison

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/kibar.27-10-2022.6326


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