Representation of the Glorious Era of Majapahit Through the Choice of Characters in Visual Novel Game Designs

Dendi Pratama, Winny Gunarti Widya Wardani, Taufiq Akbar


The glorious era of Majapahit Kingdom was signed by the presence of figures who play a role in theĀ development of human civilization. The glorious era of Majapahit is also an important historical note of Indonesia. Popular figures in this era include Gajah Mada, Raden Wijaya, and Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Quantitatively, this study conducted a survey of design students at the University of Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta, especially the creators who are interested in the creation of visual novel games. They made choices against the characters of Majapahit which are considered to have the potential to become the main characters that attracted attention to the game. The visual novel is a game that emphasizes its strength through characters and visual narration. While qualitatively, the analysis of discussion using nonverbal communication theory approach to the description of the three figures, as a visual element that can represent the glorious of Majapahit Kingdom. The results of this study useful to be used as a reference in the design of visual novel game design characters. In addition, the results of this study can also open insights about the potential figures in the history of Indonesia that can be visualized as a game character that represents the meaning of history.

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