Penerapan Model Example Non-Example Untuk Peningkatan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Sel

Sri Murni Soenarno, Tantry Agnhitya Sari


Cell biology study is one of the subjects that require a lot of understanding and memorization. A learning model is needed to make students become more active in learning in order to increase students' understanding of cell biology material. In fact, it is rare for students to ask questions or express their opinions in the learning process of cell biology. One of the solutions to increase the activeness and comprehension of students in the study can be done with the example nonexample method. The purpose of this study was to determine increasing student's comprehension in the Cell Biology course by using the Example Non-Example learning model. This research was a classroom action research conducted on 5thsemester biology students in Cell Biology courses. The result indicated that the learning outcomes in Cycle 1 were 62.78%. Then in Cycle 2, an increase occurred, the results were 80.18%. The conclusion was the Example Non- Example learning model is proven to be able to increase the activeness and comprehension of students about cell biology material

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