Fenomena Pairing pada Isotop Cr dengan Pontensial Interaksi 0.5 MeV

Alpi Mahisha Nughraha, Nurullaeli Nurullaeli


Pairing is a collective phenomenon of several fermions that gather, this phenomenon can be found in the formation of isotopes such as the Cr isotope. Pairing efeect will be have an impact on the strong of nucleus binding energy, as social beings who will have strong relationships when collective. Isotope of a nuclide will be increase of binding energy when the number of particles is increasing and the number is even or in pairs. The approach that is currently very powerful to explain the pairing effect is Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, known as BCS Approximation. This approach requires an interaction potential matrix that illustrates neutron interactions between energy levels, the use of 0.5 MeV interaction potential is an option in this approach to calculate the total binding energy of the Cr isotope.

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