The Use of Laboratory Animals in Supporting The Development of The Medical World

Putri Reno Intan, Khariri Khariri


Laboratory animals are animals that are deliberately maintained and used as animal models.  The use of laboratory animals began in the 1800s and has been increasing to this day.  The use of laboratory animals is related to the learning and development of various fields of science on a research or observation scale.  Many types of animals are often used for experimental and research activities.  The International Humane Society estimates that every year more than 115 million laboratory animals are used throughout the world for laboratory activities.  Some laboratory animals that are often used include mice, white rats, rabbits, cats, pigs, sheep and non-human primates.  Officers who carry out laboratory activities using laboratory animals must pay attention to ethics and animal welfare by applying the principles of The Five Freedom to maintain the accuracy of testing.  To maintain the laboratory animal population to be sustainable, the use of laboratory animals must also prioritize the 3R principle of reduction, replacement, and refinement.  This article examines several types of laboratory animals and their various uses in testing and experiments for the development of the medical world.  In the medical world, the use of laboratory animals can be used for testing drugs or vaccines, knowing defects or cosmetics.  In testing drugs or vaccines for humans, laboratory animal selection is expected to have characteristics similar to humans.  The use of laboratory animals provides benefits in human health and improves human well-being related to the prevention of a disease.

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