Pengembangan Komik Digital Berbasis PBL (Problem Based Learning) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Energi

Maria Ulfah, Indica Yona Okyranida


This research aims to develop a learning medium in the form of digital comics based on PBL (Problem Based Learning). The research method used in this research is Research and Development Method with ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation) and research conducted only until implementation stage. Because it has not reached the stage of refinement and mass production. This research has produced a PBL Based Digital Comic (Problem Based Learning) with Energy Subject class VII. This media is worth using based on validation from media experts, material experts, and linguists on the learning media created. Based on the average percentage obtained from the assessment of media experts by 75.62% with the category "Good", material experts by 87.99%, with the category "Excellent", and linguists by 73.79% with the category "Good". Of the three validation experts obtained an average of 79.13% with the category "Good". While the average rating by users is 90% with the "Excellent". The trial results were limited to 92.02% with the "Excellent", and the trial results expanded by 89.53% with the "Excellent". Thus, it can be concluded that pbl-based digital comics (Problem Based Learning) for grade VII SMP Negeri 6 Depok odd semester are worth using.

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