Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika : Review Bibliometrics

Ria Asep Sumarni, Yoga Budi Bhakti, Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti


In learning physics, students need to develop critical thinking skills such as the ability to observe, formulate hypotheses, conduct experiments, collect data, analyze data, draw conclusions, and evaluate the conclusions obtained. Therefore, a learning model strategy is needed that is capable of visualizing physics concepts well. This study aims to analyze students' critical thinking skills in learning physics with a bibliometric approach using VOSViewer software. The method used in this study is bibliometric analysis. There are 6 classification clusters through VOSViewer software. The results of the study obtained articles used with keywords "critical thinking", "physics learning", and "problem solving" began to increase rapidly from 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. In this study, 4 clusters were obtained that discussed the topic of analyzing students' critical thinking skills in learning physics. From the analysis using VOSViewer, the term "critical thinking" often appears, meaning that there are already many studies on critical thinking. However, it becomes a novelty when it is related to learning models that support and suitable learning media.


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