Penerjemahan Implikatur Percakapan dalam Novel Terjemahan Harry Potter And The Cursed Child
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikatur percakapan dalam novel Harry Potter and The Cursed Child dan novel terjemahannya, Harry Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk secara holistik. Pendekatan penelitiannya adalah pendekatan model kritik holistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) Dalam faktor objektif; ada 3 jenis implikatur percakapan dalam novel terjemahan Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, yaitu preservasi, eksplisitasi dan modifikasi. Sebagian besar implikatur percakapan pada novel asli dialihkan ke dalam implikatur yang setara pada novel terjemahan. Preservasi adalah jenis yang dominan. Terdapat 6 strategi penerjemahan yang ditemukan;literal, transposisi, modulasi, amplifikasi, adaptasi, dan reduksi. 2) Analisis faktor genetik menunjukkan bahwa penerjemah novel fiksi popular dapat diterjemahkan oleh penerjemah yang berpengalaman dibidangnya meskipun tidak memiliki latarbelakang pendidikan penerjemahan.3) Dalam Faktor afektif; kualitas penerjemahan dalam aspek keakuratan, keberterimaan, dan keterbacaan hasil terjemahan novel Harry Potter and The Cursed Child dinilai akurat, dapat diterima dan mudah dibaca.
Kata Kunci: Harry Potter and the The Cursed Child; Implikatur Percakapan; Novel; Penerjemahan.
Abstract. This research aims at finding out the conversational implicatures of the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child novel and its translated novel, Harry Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk through holistic analysis. This research design used the qualitative method of content analysis. The research approach was a holistic critique model approach. The analysis revealed that 1) from the objective factors, there were three types of conversational implicatures in the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child novel: preservation, explicitation, and modification. Most conversational implicatures of the dialogues in the original novel were transferred into their equivalent implicatures in its translated version, of which preservation was the most favored. In addition, the six translation strategies found in the novel are transposition, modulation, literal, amplification, adaptation, and reduction strategy. 2). In terms of the genetic factors, although the translator had a Chinese literary education, she could translate English novels into Indonesian. It is due to the translator's experiences in writing and translation. 3) The affective factors results indicated that the quality of the translation in terms of its acceptability, accuracy, and readability of the Harry Potter dan Si Anak Terkutuk was very high. The novel was accurate, acceptable, and easy to read.
Keyword: Conversational Implicatures; Harry Potter and the Cursed Child; Novel; Translation
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