The Implementation of Word Search on English Vocabulary at Srijaya 01 Elementary School
Students' English skills cannot be separated from the learning process provided by the teacher. English isa subject that develops communication skills both speaking and writing, understanding and expressing information. This subject is no longer just a subject that is limited to grammar and vocabulary but can also develop students' skills in speaking and writing. Students’ vocabulary skills in English subjects at Srijaya 01 Elementary School North Tambun are relatively low, so student learning activities in class are passive. As a result, student learning outcomes also decreased. One way to overcome this case is by using appropriate media that can be applied to actuate student learning in English subjects. The media that we use is a Word Search, which is expected to be the right media to overcome this. The aims of study to describe the use of Word Search media to improve English vocabulary for student. The amount of the research is 28 students of fifth-grade. Data collection instruments using test observations and field records. Analysis of research data using quantitative descriptive and qualitative data analysis. The results showed that the implementation of Word Search media against students' English vocabulary is effective in learning activities.
Keywords: implementation; word search; vocabularyReferensi
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