Eva Natalia Situmorang


The writing of this article departs from issues regarding education today, where the discourse on commercialization and privatization in the world of education in Indonesia has strengthened after the reform era. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the process of educational institutions (private schools), in the face of changes in government policies that provide space for the private sector to participate in education at the local level of the city of Depok during the Reformation era. The writing of this article uses document and oral sources (interviews), the source documents are obtained through the Depok city government archives and documents from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Oral sources (interviews) were obtained through interviews with officials in the education environment of the city of Depok and managers of private schools in the city of Depok. This study shows the results that the emergence of private schools in Depok during the reform era was determined by the increasing number of people living in the city of Depok, which resulted in higher access to educational needs on the one hand and on the other hand the local city government (Depok) had limitations. in providing educational services for the people of Depok. The choice to provide space for private sector participation in the implementation of education in the city of Depok is an unavoidable choice. Based on this explanation, the issues regarding the commercialization and privatization of education that arose during the reform era, in the case of the local level of the city of Depok, were not a form of relinquishing government responsibility, but rather a policy response stemming from rapid social change (the population growth rate in Depok is quite high. high) at the beginning of the reform era.

Kata Kunci

Depok City, Private School, Reformation Period.

Teks Lengkap:



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