PGRI as the largest teacher organization in Indonesia, since its inception has always been consistent in fighting for the interests of teachers, especially in improving teacher welfare. In the course of its history, when PGRI in the reform era underwent significant changes. The fresh air of change brought about by the reformation era also affected PGRI's movements and steps. PGRI strives for its policy line in accordance with the vision and mission of this organization to always communicate the interests of teachers together with the government. This research is a library research study that uses historical methods, covering four stages, including: heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study include that in the reform era, the government was more open in the dialogue space where this opportunity was not wasted by PGRI to fight for the interests of teachers, although the steps taken by PGRI were not always smooth. In an effort to realize the Law on Teachers and Lecturers, PGRI has taken various steps, including through legislation together with the government and the DPR. With persistent struggle, the Law on Teachers and Lecturers was finally passed in 2005.
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