Perjalanan Ibadah Haji Masyarakat Jawa Pada Masa Kolonial (1905─1942)

Akhmad Syaekhu Rakhman, Fahmi Hidayat


This study is to describe the social and economic situation of the Javanese people of the Late 19th Century, to describe the policy of the Dutch colonial government towards the implementation of the pilgrimage in Java, and to describe the hajj activities in Java until the end of the Dutch colonial rule. The method used is the historical method, which is taken through four stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results obtained in this study are the improving economic conditions in the agricultural, plantation and trade sectors provide opportunities for indigenous people to perform the pilgrimage. Furthermore, at the beginning of the 20th century, when there was an increase in the number of prospective pilgrims from Java, the need for facilities and infrastructure for the transportation of prospective pilgrims from Java was carried out by the colonial government using transportation facilities that were previously used to transport commodity products. trading. Furthermore, the pilgrimage journey that residents want to carry out in Java begins with listening to the information obtained by residents through leaflets provided by Hajj travel agents.

Kata Kunci

Hajj, Javanese Society

Teks Lengkap:



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