Cut Siti H, Huddy Husein



This research departs from the shifting issues regarding post-cold war security, in the form of the application of national and state insight in defending every territory of Indonesia by the Indonesian military institution. The conflict over West Irian between Indonesia and the Netherlands seemed to have reached a stalemate between the two sides, after various attempts to resolve the issue through diplomacy that had been held. This article aims to explain the nation and state process of the Republic of Indonesia after independence, because in accordance with the principles of the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia through the Indonesian National Army has an obligation to protect each of its territories. Writing articles using Dutch colonial government archives (collection of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) and newspapers (collection of the National Library of Indonesia). This study uses a structuralistic approach that emphasizes the agency’s ability, namely the Indonesian National Armed Forces, in carrying out military strategies to regain the territory of West Irian from the lap of the motherland. This study obtained results in the form of insights in the form of decisive military actions and strategies to strengthen diplomatic channels and win the sympathy of the people of Irian Jaya to vote for Indonesia in the Pepera (Determination of People’s Opinion) events from 14 July to 02 August

Kata Kunci

Indonesian national army, Irian Jaya, military

Teks Lengkap:



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