Saring Ariyanto


This article departs from global economic and trade issues, where Indonesia as a maritime country has great potential in regional and global trade activities. The existence of ports as the spearhead of trading activities in Indonesia, has consequences in the form of management based on historical discourse. Makassar Port, which was growing at the end of the 19th century until the mid-1930s, became a maritime and commercial power for the Dutch East Indies in the eastern region. This article aims to explain the process and development of the Indonesian economy during the colonial period, by emphasizing economic activities at Makassar Port as the focus of writing this article. The writing of this article uses the sources of the Dutch colonial government archives (the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia collection) including Koloniaal Verslag, and the Makassar Archive Bundle. This study uses a structural approach that emphasizes agency capabilities, namely the traders in the Makassar port who are the driving actors of economic activity at the Makassar Port. This study obtained results in the form of insights in the form of economic activities in Makassar Port during the years 1900 to 1930 as a result of economic activity that was stable before the colonial government's control.

Kata Kunci

Port of Makassar, Economic Development, Colonial

Teks Lengkap:



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