Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup
This proceeding publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts in the form of new theories or ideas from research in the fields of mathematics and mathematics education.
The Mathematics Education Panel Discussion Proceedings discusses the development of mathematics in the following areas:
1. Mathematics Education
2. Statistics
3. Information and Communication Technology in Mathematics Learning
4. Mathematics Applications in various fields, such as: health, engineering, science, agriculture, art, social politics, law, etc.
5. Ethnomathematics
Kebijakan Bagian
Naskah Terbuka | Diindeks | Telah di-Peer review |
Proses Peer Review
Each article submitted to the editor will be selected through preliminary review by the Editorial Board. Articles deemed eligible will be sent to the reviewer and the next selection process uses a Blind Preview. The results of the article review will be returned to the author for revision. The review process can take up to four weeks. Each submitted article will be assessed based on scientific and methodological aspects. reviewers who collaborate with the National Panel Discussion Proceedings of Mathematics Education consist of experts in the fields of mathematics and mathematics education and their applications. Reviewers are experts in their fields who have experience working as reviewers in several journals both national and international.
The editor will inform you of the review results as soon as possible, preferably between 1 - 2 months. Please note that maybe it is a paper submission for the Proceedings of the National Mathematics Education Panel Discussion, the duration of the review process can be up to 2 months.
Kebijakan Akses Terbuka
Jurnal ini menyediakan akses terbuka yang pada prinsipnya membuat riset tersedia secara gratis untuk publik dan akan mensupport pertukaran pengetahuan global terbesar.