This research aims to unveil the types of deictic expressions found in communication between nomads in the movie "Nomadland”and to explain how the characters in “Nomadland” movie apply politeness principles in their interactions with fellow nomads. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method and to get the data needed for this research, the data collection is conducted by choosing and watching the film, reading the film's script, collecting the data, identifying the data, classifying the data, then analyzing the data based on deixis and politeness principles theory and drawing a conclusion related to the results of the data that has been analyzed. The theoretical framework used in this research is two pragmatics concepts, namely deixis from Brown and Levinson and politeness principles from Leech. The results of this study show that there are 5 types of deixis found from the 17 data analyzed. They are Person Deixis (11 data), Spatial or Place Deixis (1 data), Temporal or Time Deixis (1 data), Social Deixis (1 data) and Discourse Deixis (3 data). Meanwhile, there are 6 types of politeness principles applied by the characters from the 7 data analyzed. They are Tact Maxim (1 data), Generosity Maxim (1 data), Approbation Maxim (2 data), Modesty Maxim (1 data), Agreement Maxim (1 data), Sympathy Maxim (1 data).
Keyword: Pragmatics, Deictic Expressions, Politeness Principles.
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