Ellen Juita Gultom


This research aims to identify the obstacles faced by lecturers teaching English language skills courses and to examine the strategies they employ to overcome these challenges.A purposive sampling technique was employed to identify the study participants from the English Department of LIA University,Jakarta. Data were collected using a researcher-designed interview guide questionnaire. Thematic analysis was conducted to derive emerging themes. The results identified three main challenges faced by English teachers: challenge is to find a medium of teaching that is user friendly, lack of student’s participation, and challenges in designing tasks appropriate to students' cognitive levels. Respondents reported several coping strategies, including updating with the latest technology, particularly the newest features offered, is crucial in improving the effectiveness of teaching English skills, keeping up with the latest advance and being committed to professionalism as an educator to give the best for the students. The study suggests that English teachers should continue to uphold their enthusiasm to provide quality education and make learning more accessible and interactive.

Key words: English skills; new normal; teaching strategies; teaching English

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