Model Pembelajaran Simas Eric dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Tugas dan Paksa

Shanny Rizky Komalasari, Leonard Leonard


The application of learning models should be considered for the characteristics and intellectual development of students by using appropriate learning strategies, in order to obtain optimal learning outcomes. Character education and high student thinking are the main goals in the 2013 curriculum. There are many elements for students to be said to have intelligence and independence in learning. This is the background in the purpose of simas eric learning model that has stages in accordance with the main objectives of the 2013 curriculum. The selection of appropriate learning strategies can improve the results that will be obtained from the application of learning models in the classroom. The task and forced learning strategy was chosen to complement and perfect the implementation of the simas eric learning model in the classroom. This strategy aims to train students' independence and discipline in learning through tasks that are provided with clear time limits and strict punishment if there are students not completing their duties properly. The combination of simas eric learning model with task force and forced learning strategy can be an alternative to improve the quality of learning in school. With the improvement of thinking power which is accompanied by discipline of students in learning, the process of learning in the class will run well and get maximum results so that the purpose of learning can be achieved. For educators it is advisable to apply simas eric learning model with instructional and forced learning strategy in school, so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally.

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