Herlinda Herlinda, Rendi Prasetya


Internet technology is accompanied by the development of various hardware and software, making it easier for users to enjoy social media applications, especially through Smartphones. Internet and Smartphone prices are getting more affordable, with a compact shape, lightweight, small, easy to carry anywhere, plus various features attached to it, making people want to have it. However, it should be noted, in addition to many positive things (such as: adding science, national / international situation news, employment info, scholarships), the use of the Internet through Smartphones also offer many negative things, very high appeal (fraud, pornographic content, violence, prostitution, narcotics, pedophilia, LGBT, data theft, etc.). This negative impact is of concern to us, thus implementing Abdimas "Monitoring Children and Smartphones for Internet Access Security for Citizens Pondok Labu - Jakarta", which aims to reduce the negative impact of the internet by monitoring the use of child Smartphones using the Methods of Lecture, Simulation and Interactive. Activities were held on Saturday 14 April 2018 and 21 April 2018 with 49 participants. In general, this activity can be said to be successful, indicated by the enthusiasm and understanding of the people about how to use Parenting Control feature in social media application so that the residents of RT001 and RT002 RW005 Pondok Labu, Jakarta. They can monitor the children  and their Smartphones daily, in order to reduce negative impact of internet usage (healthy internet). Citizens even want to be held similar training with a wider coverage area. Keywords: Children, Smartphone, Healthy Internet, Social Media, Negative Impact.

Teks Lengkap:



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