Implementation Of Blended Teaching Methods To Promote Positive Learning Classrooms For Informal Children Education

Amrina Rosyada, Agustina Ramadhianti


The research aims at identifying the best teaching methods to promote positive learning classrooms for informal children education of primary students’ age. In the era of advanced technology, the use of blended teaching methods is implemented to identify, classify, simplify, and modify the best teaching methods for the teachers. Thus, teachers’ approaches are needed in establishing positive classrooms environment by the high engagement of the students in the learning process. The research was engaged by 21 English teachers from 7 different informal English institutions and 1 independent course. The teachers were assigned questionnaires to evaluate the positive learning classrooms that engaged by over 100 primary students. By applying mixed methods research design, this research was measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data was analyzed by using a correlational analysis and interpreted in the form of explanatory sequential design. The results of the study are expected to be beneficial for teachers and readers as a contribution to the improvement of their knowledge about different teaching approaches for students in primary education, particularly to build positive learning classrooms.


Keyword: blended teaching methods, informal children education, positive learning classrooms

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