Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Tugas Dan Paksa

Ananda Putri Iskandar, Leonard Leonard


The purpose of this paper is to motivate and encourage teachers to improve the quality of learning with a more interesting learning model. To make it happen, it can be done merging model learning numbered heads together (NHT) with the strategy of learning tasks and forced. Numbered Heads Together is a learning model that prioritizes the activities of students in searching, processing, and reporting the imformation of shared resources that are finally presented in front of the class. Meanwhile, the strategy of learning tasks and forced is a strategy that focuses on giving tasks that require students to finish on time so that the learning process can run effectively. Students are required to perform tasks according to the given deadlines. If they cannot complete it, then students will be subject to a penalty that has previously been agreed. This strategy is also used to overcome the deficiencies in the numbered heads together (NHT) model of learning in terms of understanding the learning process. Combining this method can also make students become more disciplined and responsible for the tasks assigned. it makes the students become accustomed to the tasks assigned by the teacher. Therefore, the incorporation of these models and strategies is needed in the learning process so that the learning process is interesting and the quality of learning increases.

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