The Benefits of Hypnotherapy in Improving Student Academic Achievements

Imma Rachayu, Azizatul Banat


Abstract— Indonesia in 2017 was ranked 16th compared to 2015 was ranked 24th (Newzoo, 2017) making it a massive market with 250 million inhabitants, Indonesia ranked fourth with the largest population after China, India, and the United States. Now imagine if 1% of students have no motivation and interest to study again on campus so that their academic achievement decreases. This study aims to determine the benefits of hypnotherapy in improving student academic achievement. This research method uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis techniques. The benefit of hypnotherapy was that it can reduce bad habits into good habits. By utilizing hypnotherapy, the role of students who had problems in processing moods can be overcome, motivation and interest in learning will be helped, foster enthusiasm, interest in attending on a higher campus, can reduce the level of student addiction to online games, reduce the duration of playing games, enter to class on time, perceptions about parent-child relationships and parental supervision were responded to properly, so they can improve academic performance and can improve academic achievement through positive mind relaxation and continuous learning enthusiasm significantly, effectively, efficiently and practically.

Keywords—: hypnotherapy, achievement, academic


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