Elements of Religion and Belief in German Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Devi Ambarwati Puspitasari


The study aims to examine four German fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, namely Sneewittchen, Aschenputtel, Dornröschen, and Rapunzel by (1) describing the structure of the tale using Vladimir Propp's narrative structure and (2) interpreting the elements of religion and belief. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and content analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to examine the narrative structure based on 31 functions belonging to Vladimir Propp. The description will be used as guidelines to perform content analysis in order to obtain a deep understanding of the elements of religion and belief. Based on the analysis of data, it can be concluded that the tales are divided into four circles and there is a repeat function in some spare which occur in the third circle. The frequent repetition is the first function of the donor and liquidation. The tales also have various forms of rites, rituals, symbols, and events that have close links with religion and belief. In general, these tales have four rites and rituals of worship. All have the element of a mystical secret society. The four also had personal devotion rites and rituals that are generally indicated through prayer.


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