Enhancing Bullying Victim’s Resilience Through Cognitive Restructuring Technique

Sabrina Dachmiati, Neng Triyaningsih Suryaman, Dian Renata, Sri Utami


Abstract: Cases of bullying in the world of education have still have been the top category of violence in education. Bullying victims who do not get treatment immediately will experience a bad condition. For this reason, resilience in victims of bullying must be built immediately. This article focuses on discussing cognitive restructuring techniques to enhance the resilience of victims of bullying. The purpose of writing this article was to describe the implementation of cognitive restructuring techniques to increase the resilience of victims of bullying. This article was prepared using a literature review. The results of the literature review are cognitive restructuring techniques that can increase the resilience of victims of bullying. Therefore counseling practitioners are expected to be able to use this technique in helping victims of bullying to be able to actualize themselves.
Keywords: cognitive restructuring, resilience


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