Preserving Beluk Tradition as Intangible Cultural Heritage
Abstract— Beluk is a Sundanese traditional song art in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This art is rarely performed any more, even though it contains many values. One community group in Bandung, is trying to preserve this traditional art. This article examines efforts to preserve Beluk tradition by Ciapus society in Banjaran Sub District, Bandung, West Java. This research found that beluk tradition was already existed in society around Bandung especially in Ciapus Village, Banjaran Sub District for along day. It is an effort of society, which have its tradition to preserve it because this tradition has important values, such as religious values and education. This article builds the argument that the Beluk tradition needs to be preserved not only because of its unique and traditional form of performance but also because of the values contained and conveyed through this tradition. But, nowaday, Beluk tradition having faced some problems to preserving their existence. Therefore several adaptations have been carried out, although it is necessary to consider the authenticity of the tradition.
Keywords—Beluk tradition; intangible cultural heritage; preservation; religious values; Bandung-West Java
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