Snack (Kudapan) in The Chinese Wedding Ceremony
Abstract—This study aim is to understand the culture of the Chinese Fortress or Cina Benteng. In this study, snacks are served at the Chinese Fortress or Cio Tao wedding ceremony. At the Cio Tao ceremony, some snacks served in the offerings include lapis legit, pepe cake, bika ambon, banana cake, ketan tetel, sweet center, dumplings, bugis cakes, and so on. In the past, peranakan women (mistresses) were good at making and cooking these snacks so that they were known as nyonya cakes. This is also a determinant of a girl getting a mate. Some of these snacks are also songs in the gambang kromong, lively music in the Cio Tao wedding ceremony, namely pepe cake, dumplings and sweet center. This study uses a qualitative method with a material culture approach. Snacks, gambang kromong, and Cio Tao became a whole unit and shared by the Chinese Fortress. These three things are cultural symbols that function to communicate cultural systems that are in a particular society (social system). Therefore, symbols can be used as a tool to enter ideas, ideas, and knowledge of a society. The results of this study were the type and meaning of snacks for the Chinese Fortress, these snacks revealed how the Chinese Fortress interpreted their knowledge in their lives.
Keywords: Snacks, Gambang Kromong, Chinese Fortress, Symbol, Material Culture.
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