Total Physical Response: Alternative Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of Young Learners

Winda Widyaningrum


Abstract—The problem of this research was how to improve vocabulary using the Total Physical Response method and how to design a varied learning method for teaching vocabulary that is fun and attractive. For these reasons, this study was guided by a conceptual framework leading to the use method through peer work to motivate the students to speak English during the process of classroom communication interaction. The research is done in Elementary School in Bekasi West Java using Research Action Class consisting of the cycle of I, II and III, including observations about student behavior during instruction. Planning the teaching consists of preparing the lesson plans and schedules, and then takes action by implementing appropriate teaching strategies design. The results of the tests in each cycle can be described as: an average is 75,15 of 65% (cycle I) becomes 83.72 of 80% (cycle II) and 93,05 of 100% (cycle III). Based on the fact above the researcher concluded that Total Physical Response method is able to improve vocabulary mastery of young learners.

Keywords—learning method, young learners, teaching vocabulary


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