Nini Thowong suatu nama permainan anak-anak yang memadukan antara mistis dan kebudayaan Jawa
Abstract - Nini Thowong is a game that involves several children, usually girls who dance accompanied by songs "dolanan" hold a tampah and in the middle are placed a doll in a standing position. The doll is made of coconut shell dipper with a body made of bamboo steamer or fishing gear and dressed with a woman's face. This study examines originates from a game which is then entered into an animistic element that developed in ancient Javanese culture or originates from an animist culture ritual that was developed into a game. The research is qualitative with a literature research approach, so that with changes in modern Javanese culture that abandon animist beliefs, Nini Thowong's game cannot be presented in a life-style manner. Because for its appearance, elements of spirit, handler, and worship facilities such as flowers and incense are needed, as well as haunted places to enter the desired spirit. To preserve this game, the cultural side and the element of the role of the spirit that enlivens the game must not be eliminated.
Keywords: Nini Thowong, children game, mysticism, javanese cultured
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