Qasida: a Poetry Art Technique in the Marawis Tradition in Indonesia

Nanny Sri Lestari


Abstract— This study discusses the spirit of life in the defense of one form of marawis art in the suburban communities of Jakarta, or the lower class of society. The focus of this research is a discussion through a comprehensive search of one form of adaptation art from outside the territory of Indonesia, but is considered capable of filling the need for art in the community. The purpose of this study is to express one form of viewpoint and public trust in an art that develops based on the wishes of its people. This research uses a theoretical framework of art, philosophy and especially in terms of local wisdom, which is well known to the public. Through a search of community groups that pursue this art activity, there is a cultural view that surrounds this activity. Society considers that art activities are part of cultural rituals and their daily economic life. Understanding art activities and understanding people's perspectives in art is a way to find out the philosophical message and meaning in their lives. It often happens that what is considered the main feature of the community. Things that are considered normal, it turns out it's not as simple as it looks, because it has meaning and a deep message for the community. Through the cultural rationale towards the background of the actors of the arts, it is expected that the art of marawis is an art form of adaptation that is more easily accepted for people in all social strata..
Keywords— qasidah, marawis, society, art, religion


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