Analisis Serial Lara Ati di SCTV Tahun 2022 Melalui Pendekatan Pandangan dan Mitos
In this article, we will discuss the image contained in the Lara Ati series on SCTV,
which was worked on by a YouTuber and actor in the film Bayu Skak. The method
used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with descriptive. Descriptive
qualitative research is in the form of research using a case study method or
approach (Sugiyono, 2017). So if it is concluded that the descriptive method is a
qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the
form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior, besides that
qualitative research focuses on social phenomena, giving voice to the feelings and
perceptions of participants under studies. and in this series it provides a lesson
that life and desires cannot always match what is expected. The result of the
research is the image found in the television series "Lara Ati" which uses views and
myths that are related to the reality of visual culture. There is a hard worker who
feels that life must move on but not according to his wishes and he even feels a
failure in his romance besides that he is under pressure from his parents about his
job. From this film, a lesson can be drawn that everyone must have a decision and
not just live by following other people's demands. You are the main character, so
whatever you want to do, let yourself decide, not someone else.
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