Women’s Images and Resistance of The Main Character in the TV Series of “The Great”

Hari Usmawan, Syahfitri Purnama


This research describes the women’s images and examines the resistance of the main character in the TV Series of “The Great”. This research uses feminism approach, especially the theory of existentialist feminism by Simone de Beauvoir to describe the discriminatory traits experienced by the women characters and reveal resistance effort of the main character to respond to the discrimination. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods to elaborate the findings and the theories. This research finds that women’s existence in this series is presented as an object, uneducated, and do not have a political right. Despite being subjected to annihilation traits, Catherine, the main character in this series does not remain silent and accept what has been set by her cultural-society. Thus, the main character takes the resistance by standing firm in her convictions, conveying reformist ideas, and taking over the throne. The discrimination she experienced then used as a reference to prove herself that as a woman she can reform Russia in all aspects of life.


Women’s Images; Resistance; Feminism; The Great

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/senndika.v1i1.7431


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