The Effects of Vocabulary Mastery and Grammar on Student’s Writing Ability in Analytical Exposition Text

Parman Waruwu, Oom Rohmah Syamsudin


This research was to determine the effects of vocabulary mastery and grammar mastery on students’ writing ability in analytical exposition text at Senior High School in Bogor City. The population is students from senior high school. The 81 samples were gained through regression correlation analysis technique. The data was analyzed by using the multiple regression method. The results are: 1) There are any significant effects of vocabulary mastery and grammar mastery on students’ writing ability in analytical exposition text. It is proved by Sig.= 0.000 < 0.05 and Fobserved = 9.324; 2) There is no significant effect of vocabulary mastery on students’ writing ability in analytical exposition text. It is proved by Sig.=0.208 > 0.05 and tobserved = 1.271; 3) There is a significant effect of grammar mastery on students’ writing ability in analytical exposition text. It is proved by Sig.= 0.006 < 0.05 and tobserved = 2.839.


Vocabulary; Grammar; Writing; Analytical Exposition Text

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