The Plot and Moral Values in The Film “The Fabelmans” By Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner

Rendy Iwan, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Mamik Suendarti


The purpose of this study is to 1) analyze the storyline of the film "The Fabelmans",2) find out the moral values contained in the film "The Fabelmans". According to Nurgiyantoro's theory. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis techniques. The source of research data is the scenes and dialogues of the film "The Fabelmans" by Steven Spielberg and Tony Kuhsner which lasts 123 minutes and supporting library sources. Data collection techniques and data analysis using Pandey and Mishra theory. The results showed 1) The storyline of the film "The Fabelmans" uses a straight / forward / chronological storyline type, there are 57 scene findings. Talking about Steven Spielberg's childhood to adolescence and how Spielberg first loved movies and his life journey choosing a profession for a way of life, becoming like his father who was computer engineer or becoming a Filmmaker / film maker as he wished. This movie is worth watching. 2) There are 6 findings of moral values, namely: perseverance, care, family bounding, honesty, forgiveness and religion. 


Plot; Moral Value; Film “The Fabelmans”

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