Covid 19 Pada Anak Dan Langkah Pencegahan Yang Perlu Dilakukan Di Sekolah

Mursinah Mursinah, Fauzul Muna


Introduction: Since covid 19 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), many countries decided to close schools in an attempt to limit the spread including Indonesia.  Even though covid 19 mainly cause asymptomatic or mild disease in children and adults, many children were death. This study aims to describe epidemiology of covid 19 in children, risk and preventive measure needed especially in school for children and challenge.Method: A literature review was conducted based on electronic databases: Google and Google Scholars using key words  pediatric covid-19 or SARS –Cov 2 in children or  covid in children at school.  Publication  using in this study is journals, web page, epidemiological data. Publication  published with Indonesian language also included using Google with same key word. Results: Incidence of severe Covid-19 among school children and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic were low but children may be a potential source of contagion despite having milder disease or a lack of symptoms. In some cases, the disease can progress to severe.To prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, there are a number of safety steps schools should take such as wearing mask, hand hygiene, physical distancing. Conclusion:During covid pandemic, children can be affected covid 19 with the source from home and environment  including school.  School  activity during the COVID-19 pandemic requires everyone's support to make sure that it is healthy, safe and equitable for subject involved.

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